Worship God. Welcome All. Reach out to the World


Join us at Pershore Abbey at 1600 on Sunday 7 May for a special Choral Evensong service in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III.

This service will also be livestreamed.

News, Services & Events

The Bible For All

Come and join this short study course as we explore the Bible together. The course is two sessions long and will take place at St Andrew’s on 3 and 10 October at 1430-1600, or if…

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Pershore Abbey Patronal Service

We look forward to welcoming the Friends of Pershore Abbey to the Pershore Abbey Patronal Service at 1030 on 15 September. To find out more about the work of the Friends of…

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Deliverers Urgently Needed

Deliverers for the Abbey Link magazine are urgently needed. Deliveries take place 4 times a year. If anyone feels they could lend a hand please contact the Abbey Office on 01386…

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Ride + Stride

This annual event is a wonderful way to enjoy getting out and about whilst raising much-needed funds to support grant applications from churches and chapels across the country.…

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Please refer to our latest bulletin for the most up to date service information

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View more services and events

Throughout the year we host a number of concerts and events in and around Pershore Abbey.
Here are just some of the upcoming events in the next few weeks and months.

Service Information

The latest service sheet is available to view here

Ordinary Time01-09-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin - Trinity 14September Monthly Bulletin 2024

Live Stream

All of our live-streamed services are available to view on our You Tube Channel: Pershore Abbey Community YouTube Channel

Our latest live-streamed Sunday service is available to view here.

Latest Videos

25.08.2024 at Pershore Abbey – Trinity 13

18.08.2024 at Pershore Abbey – Trinity 12

11.08.2024 at Pershore Abbey – Trinity 11

Pershore Vicarage Vlog 154 May 2024

Support Us

The Abbey brings people together every day of the year, providing a welcoming space for spiritual reflection, music, art, historical discovery, learning, friendship and community.

Financial donations, as well as donations of your time and talents, are hugely important to the Abbey’s future. It is thanks to the generosity of people who love the Abbey that we are able to protect its heritage and support its mission. If you can, please help us with a Donation and pray that the Lord will direct us to use it wisely.

Thank you for your support.