An Amazing Survivor
The Abbey Church is the triumphant remnant of a Mediaeval Benedictine Monastery

Evidence of the Abbey’s thousand year history survives after fires, storms, earthquake and even the Dissolution of the Monasteries when much was demolished. Rebuilding, and remodelling have produced a mixture of Norman, Early English, Decorated Gothic and Victorian architecture.
For details, please see Pershore Abbey Guidebook which can be purchased at the bookstall.
681 Land given to fund a Monastery
972 Benedictine Rule
1002, 1020, Fire and earthquake damage Anglo Saxon Church
1130 Norman Abbey completed
1223 Fire – All lost east of tower
1288 Fire destroys tower and quire roof
1300 Quire roof rebuilt with ploughshare/liern vaulting
1540 Monastery dissolved. Town saves east end, crossing and tower
1686 North transept falls
1861 Storm damage
1864 Gilbert Scott Restoration Lime -Plaster removed, bell ringing platform built
1913 Western buttresses built to shore up the tower, south transept crack repaired
1932 Friends of Pershore Abbey formed, funding towards building works
1996 Foundations of Anglo-Saxon Church identified, south transept repaired
2005 – 2017 Repairs to St John Chapel and NE transept
The Abbey Church of the Holy Cross, Pershore has been a centre for Christian Worship for over 1300 years. The present Abbey celebrated its Millennium in 1972.
What remains of the Abbey is the best part: the monk’s Quire (which is now the Nave) with its unique ploughshare vaulting, the combined triforium and clerestory, and the magnificent tower with its lantern and free-standing ringing platform.
Still one of the finest examples of Norman and Early English architecture in the country, Pershore Abbey is very much a broken building: Henry VIII destroyed the nave at the time of the dissolution of the monasteries; the north transept collapsed in the middle 1600s.
But, in spite of its brokenness, the Abbey symbolises a place where , through the love of Christ, a community can become whole.
We hope that, as you visit the Abbey and contemplate its glorifying of the majesty of God, you will find in its peacefulness an inspiration for your spiritual journey and pilgrimage through life. God bless you on that journey.
Pershore Abbey is the Church of England parish church for the market town of Pershore. We are men, women and children who want to do their very best in spreading the good news of God’s love for us as shown through Jesus Christ. We are active members of Churches Together in Pershore and enjoying working along Pershore Baptist Church, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church and Pershore Community Church.
We are committed to sharing the good news of God’s love for everyone. We do this through our welcome, our worship and praying together, our outreach and work in the community, our care of the historical Abbey building, our care of one another in the community, and our reaching out to the world.
We believe that we can be Kingdom People focussed on the love, compassion, justice and freedom. We believe these values will bring about the kingdom of God on Earth.
Our worship, using different styles and traditions, helps to bring us together and to welcome others as we share our story of faith. Our daily and midweek worship offers a still place in the midst of busy lives. Our Sunday worship is the time when we can all come together as a community in praise and thanksgiving. A children’s area is always available that is well stocked with fun things for little people to do during any service.
Whether we are a committed person of faith, or someone seeking answers to life’s big questions, or someone full of doubt, the doors of the Abbey are always open. We want to be a non-judgmental and inclusive church.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC), has the responsibility for ensuring that the mission and the day to day business of the Abbey takes place efficiently. There are various sub-committees which focus of particular areas of the Abbey’s life, including Finance, Fabric, Food Bank, Digital, Social, Children and Young People. The PCC is made-up of the Priest-in-Charge, Churchwardens and elected members from the congregation.
Our commitment to being open and welcoming to the whole community means that we are growing numerically and spiritually. The development of links within the local community and abroad is our commitment to growing God’s mission.

Looking after the Abbey
Pershore Abbey is well maintained and cared for thanks to generous donations and hard work undertaken to address issues as they emerge.

Pershore Abbey Projects
In a building so ancient and important as the Abbey work is always needed to maintain the building and ensure it is fit for God’s purpose.

Bell Ringers
High in the tower the bells ring out calling worshippers to church. It’s not a machine making the bells ring – it’s the Pershore bell ringers. For further information contact the Tower Captain through the office.
An attractive colour magazine for the local community is published every March, June, August and December by Pershore Abbey. It goes free to around 4,500 local homes in Pershore, Pinvin, Pensham, Wick and Birlingham. Copies are on sale in the Abbey and there is occasionally space for adverts.
Contact David Paynter on 01386 556458.
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