30-06-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 5

23-06-24 Morning Praise & Bulletin – Trinity 4  23-06-24 Iona Service – A Service of quiet – election

16-06-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 3

09-06-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 2  09-06-24 Wholeness and Healing Service

02-06-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 1  June Monthly Edition 2024

26-05-24 Morning Praise & Bulletin – Trinity Sunday    26-05-24 Iona Service – Joy of Diversity

19-05-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Pentecost

12-05-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter 7  12-05-24 Wholeness and Healing Service

05-05-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter 6

28-04-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter 5  28-04-24 Iona Service  May Monthly Edition 2024

21-04-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter 4

14-04-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter 3  Wholeness & Healing Service April

07-04-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter 2

31-03-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Easter Day  April Monthly Edition

24-03-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Palm Sunday  Iona Service 24.03.24

17-03-24 Morning Praise – Lent 5

10-03-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Mothering Sunday  10.03.24 Wholeness and Healing Service March 2024

03-03-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin March Monthly Edition

25-02-24 Morning Praise – Lent 2  25-02-24 Iona Service

18-02-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin -Lent 1

11-02-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Next before Lent  Wholeness and Healing Service – February 2024

04-02-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – 2 before Lent

28-01-24 Morning Praise – Candlemas   28-01-24 Iona Service  Jan – Feb 2024 Monthly Edition

21-01-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Epiphany 3  21.01.2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service

14-01-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Epiphany 2  Wholeness and Healing Service January

07-01-24 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Epiphany

31-12-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Christmas 1

24-12-23 Morning Praise – Advent 4 – Christmas Eve

17-12-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Advent 3   Christmas Carol Service 17-12-23

03-12-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Advent Sunday  Advent Carol Service 2023 December 2023 – January 2024 Monthly Edition

26-11-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Morning Praise – Christ The King  26-11-23 Iona Service – Healing of Creation

19-11-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – 2nd Before Advent – Mission Sunday

12-11-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – 3rd before Advent – Remembrance Sunday  Remembrance Service Hymns  12-11-23 Wholeness & Healing Service

05-11-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – All Saints Day  All Souls Service Sheet 2023

29-10-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Bible Sunday  November 2023 Monthly Edition

22-10-2023 Service Sheet & Bulletin  22.10.2023 Iona Service Light of Christ – World of Conflict

15-10-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 19  15-10-23 Pinvin Harvest Praise Service Sheet  

08-10-23 Service Sheet – Harvest Festival  All Age Eucharist Service for Abbey Harvest 2023  Wholeness & Healing Service – October 2023  October 2023 Monthly Edition

01-10-23 Festival Eucharist & Dedication Service of the Ruffatti Organ  01-10-23 Festival Evensong    01-10-23 Bulletin & Diary

24-09-2023 – Morning Praise – Climate Sunday  24-09-23 Iona Worship  24-09-23 Birlingham Harvest Praise Service Sheet  24-09-23 Wick Harvest Praise Service Sheet

17-09-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 15

10-09-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Holy Cross Day   10-09-23 Wholeness and Healing Service  

Abbey Patronal Festival 2023   03-09-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 13  Monthly Edition – September 

27-08-2023 – Morning Praise – Trinity 12   27-08-23 – Teddy Praise

20-08-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 11

13-08-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 10   13-08-2023 Wholeness and Healing Service

06-08-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Transfiguration of our Lord

30-07-2023 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 8

23-07-2023 – Morning Praise – Trinity 7 – Outdoor Service     23-07-23 Iona service – El Salvador

16-07-23 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 6

09-07-23 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 5     Wholeness and Healing Service July 2023    Monthly Edition July – August 2023

02-07-23 – Service Sheet & Bulletin – Trinity 4

25-06-2023 – Morning Praise – Trinity 3     Iona Worship June 2023 – Our Lives as Community

18-06-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 2 

11-06-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – St Barnabas      W&H June 2023

04-06-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Trinity Sunday upload     Ordinary Time Service Booklet

28-05-2023 – Morning Praise Service Sheet and Bulletin – Pentecost     Iona Worship May 2023     June Monthly Edition 2023 v2

21-05-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Sunday After Ascension

14-05-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 6 – Rogation    W&H May 2023 

07-05-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 5   Coronation Choral Evensong 7 May 2023

30-04-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 4    May Monthly Edition 2023

23-04-2023 – Morning Praise Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 3     Iona Worship April 2023 – Refuge from the Storm

16-04-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 2

09-04-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter Day         Season of Easter to Pentecost

02-04-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Palm Sunday       Palm Sunday Eucharist Service Booklet      Cafe Church April 2023      April 2023 Monthly Edition

26-03-2023 – Morning Praise – Lent 5 – Passion Sunday     Iona Service March 2023 – Sharing

19-03-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin Mothering Sunday     All Age Eucharist for Mothering Sunday

12-03-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin Lent 3 Fairtrade Sunday   Café Church March 2023     Wholeness and Healing Service March 2023

05-03-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin Lent 2     March 2023 Monthly Edition

26-02-2023 – Morning Praise – Lent 1     Iona Service Feb 2023 – Poverty   The Season of Lent

19-02-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin Next before Lent

12-02-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin 2nd before Lent    Wholeness & Healing February 2023   Cafe Church Feb 2023

05-02-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -3 before Lent     Order One-Ordinary Time Service Booklet

29-01-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Candelmas    Candlemas Service Booklet

22-01-2023 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Morning Praise – Epiphany 3    22-01-23 Iona Worship Jan 2023   Jan – Feb 2023 Monthly Edition

15-01-2023 Service Sheet and Bulletin -Epiphany 2

08-01-2023 Service Sheet and Bulletin -Epiphany      Café Church Liturgy January 2023       Wholeness & Healing January 2023

01-01-2023 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Naming of Jesus

25-12-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Christmas Day       Christmas Day All Age Eucharist     Christmas and Epiphany Service Booklet

Midnight Mass Readings 24-12-2022

18-12-2022 – Tinsel Free Service Sheet and Bulletin – Fourth Sunday of Advent upload        Nine Lessons and Carol Service 2022

11-12-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Advent 3     Café Church December 2022     Wholeness and Healing Service December 2022

04-12-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Advent 2     December 2022 Monthly Edition

27-10-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Morning Praise – Advent Sunday     Advent Carol Service 2022   Advent Service Booklet

20-11-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Christ the King & Safeguarding Sunday           Cafe Church November 2022        

13-11-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -2nd Before Advent – Remembrance Sunday        13-11-2022 Wholeness & Healing Service

06-11-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Advent 3       All Souls Service 2022     November 2022 Monthly Edition

30-10-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -All Saints Day

23-10-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Morning Praise     23-10-22 Iona Service – Homelessness

16-10-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Trinity 18

09-10-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin -Trinity 17/Mission Sunday   Café Church October 2022   W&H – October 2022

02-10-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Harvest Festival        All Age Eucharist Service for Abbey Harvest 2022    October 2022 Monthly Edition

25-09-2022 Morning Praise Service Sheet and Bulletin Trinity 15       25-09-22 Iona Service – From Lament to Action

18-09-2022 Service Sheet & Bulletin – Climate Sunday

Abbey Patronal Festival 2022   11-09-2022 Bulletin & Diary   Cafe Church September 2022   11-09-2022 Wholeness & Healing Service

Service Sheet and Bulletin 04-09-2022 -Trinity 12

28-08-2022 Morning Praise and Bulletin – Trinity 11 – upload     28-08-22 Teddy Praise    September Monthly Edition

21-08-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 10

14-08-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 9          14-08-22 Wholeness & Healing Service

07-08-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 8

31-07-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 7

24-07-2022 Morning Praise Service Sheet and Bulletin – Outdoor Service      0800 24 July 2022        IONA JULY 2022

17-07-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 5

10-07-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 4       Cafe Church Liturgy July 2022       Wholeness & Healing Service 10-07-2022

03-07-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Thomas the Apostle       July – August Bulletin 2022

26-06-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 2

19-06-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity 1

12-06-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Trinity      Cafe Church June 2022     Wholeness & Healing June 2022         Order One-Ordinary time

05-06-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Pentecost     Platinum Jubilee Songs of Praise June 2022

29-05-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 7 – Sunday after Ascension      June 2022 Bulletin

22-05-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 6 Rogation Sunday     Iona Service 2022-05-22 Ascension-Saying Goodbye

15-05-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 5

08-05-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 4      Cafe Church May 2022     W&H May 2022    May Bulletin 2022

01-05-2022 Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter 3

24-04-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Morning Praise -Easter 2               24-04-22 Iona Service – Conflict-the space inbetween      

17-04-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Easter Day        Season of Easter to Pentecost    Easter Day Dawn Service

10-04-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Palm Sunday    Cafe Church Liturgy April 2022      W&H April 2022

03-04-2022 – Service Sheet and Bulletin – Passion Sunday        April 2022 Bulletin