Abbey Walking Church
Fancy joining a group of people who like to walk? We are thinking about setting up a new group where folks can gather with others for a local walk. Companions of the two or four legged variety will be welcome! Along the way there would be time for chat, fellowship and some informal worship. We're looking to start when the weather picks up next year. If you’re interested in coming along or being part of the group leading on this, please contact one of the Mission Group (Claire Lording, Sam Andrews, Martin Fowler, Suzanne Clarke, Peter Stansbie).
Pershore Abbey and St Andrew's (PASA) Social Evening
PASA will be hosting a U3A Ukulele and Fish & Chips Evening at 1830 on Saturday 1 February at St Andrew’s Centre. Tickets are £12 and are available from Julie Newman (01386 640497) or any PASA member. Soft drinks available, or bring your own alternative. All welcome.