Our Advent and Christmas Service information for the Pershore Benefice can be found in the leaflet below:
Benefice Christmas Services and Events Leaflet 2024
We invite everyone to join us and look forward to welcoming you all.
Here is a complete list of services and events being held at Pershore Abbey and St Andrew’s Centre this Christmas:
Sunday December 1
08:00 Eucharist – Pershore Abbey
10:30 Edible Nativity – St Andrew’s Centre
15:00 Advent Carol Service – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
Monday December 2
19:00 JOIN US ON ZOOM: Advent Compline Mondays in Advent
Friday December 6
19:30 Vocal High Concert – Pershore Abbey
Saturday December 7
19:00 Worcester Male Voice Choice Annual Christmas Concert – Pershore Abbey
Sunday December 8
08:00 Eucharist – Pershore Abbey
09:30 Café Church – St Andrew’s Centre
10:30 Sung Eucharist – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
17:00 Light in our Darkness – St Andrew’s Centre
Monday December 9
19:00 JOIN US ON ZOOM: Advent Compline Mondays in Advent
Friday December 13
19:30 Pershore Town Choir Concert – Pershore Abbey
Saturday December 14
19:30 Pershore Choral Concert – Pershore Abbey
Sunday December 15
08:00 Eucharist – Pershore Abbey
10:30 Sung Eucharist – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
Monday December 16
19:00 JOIN US ON ZOOM: Advent Compline Mondays in Advent
Saturday December 17
19:00 Pershore Choral Christmas Concert – Pershore Abbey
Sunday December 22
08:00 Eucharist – Pershore Abbey
10:30 Morning Praise – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
17:00 Christmas Carol Service – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
Monday December 23
19:00 JOIN US ON ZOOM: Advent Compline Mondays in Advent
Christmas Eve Tuesday December 24
15:30 Christingle Service – Pershore Abbey
23:15 Midnight Mass – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
Christmas Day Wednesday December 25
08:00 Eucharist – Pershore Abbey
10:30 All Age Eucharist with choir – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
Sunday December 29
08:00 Eucharist – Pershore Abbey
10:30 Benefice Sung Eucharist – Pershore Abbey with LIVESTREAM
Click on the following links to view the services and events taking place in our Benefice Village Churches:
You can find out more about the Church of England Christmas Campaign and download their resources, including daily reflections by clicking the link below:

Edible Nativity
Sunday 1 December from 1030 – 1145
Join us as we tell the story of the birth of Jesus in a fun way, making an edible nativity. There may be gingerbread involved – yum!!!
Places are strictly limited to 20, so please book your place by emailing office@pershoreabbey.org.uk or leave a message on 01386 552071.
Suitable for ages 18 and under

Our traditional Christingle returns to Pershore Abbey for 2024!
Christmas Eve, Saturday 22 December 1530
Join us for our traditional Christingle service at Pershore Abbey this year and don’t forget to dress up in your favourite nativity costume!
We also look forward to welcoming our local schools to the Abbey for their Christmas Presentations in the run up to Christmas