Welcome to our new Children and Families page where you can access family-friendly resources and information on how we reach out to children, young people and families in the Pershore community.
Sam Andrews has recently been appointed as the Pershore Abbey Children and Families Worker. Click here to read all about Sam, her role and and how to contact her.
Take a look at our wonderful Corgi card, made especially for Her Majesty, pictured with our lovely Platinum Jubilee souvenir bears!

More Activities . . .
The Baptism book for March is Going on A Lion Hunt’ by David Axtell, a story about two sisters who go on a mission to find a lion! They cross many different places to get to the lion until they end up in a big scary cave!
You can watch and listen to a reading of the story on YouTube using the link on the here.
Click here for the March Baptism Newsletter from Worcester Diocese: March 2023
We would also like to share with you the Cheeky Pandas resource, which you can access here: Cheeky Pandas | Thy Kingdom Come. Cheeky Pandas seek to get children excited about the Bible and prayer, and have lots of downloadable activity packs available as well as broadcasts and Cheeky Pandas songs!

Children & Families Worker
When the PCC met for an Away Day (we went all the way to St Andrew’s) last March, we reviewed our Mission Action Plan following Covid. A lively day ended with 3 interlinked priorities:
1. Reaching out to the community
2. Children and youth
3. Attracting 30-50-year olds
The full PCC supported these and agreed that we should make a bid to the Diocesan Healthier Churches Fund for a part-time post to support us with our aims.
A small PCC ‘Mission Group’ was established comprised of Claire, Suzanne Clarke, Peter Stansbie and Martin Fowler, to work through the detail and oversee the post if we were successful. The bid was duly submitted and after some discussions and ‘tweaking’ we were successful in obtaining 5 years funding for a half-time post. The Diocese helped us with advertising the post and Simon Hill, Diocesan Youth Officer, joined us for interviews in December. Our own Sam Andrews was the best candidate and took up the new position in February 2023 – look out for her as she develops this exciting role! Here is her take on things:
For those who don’t know me my name is Sam Andrews. I am married to Ben and have 2 sons, Calum (23) and James (18).
I am a Brownie Guider and have been for the past 30 years, I have also worked at a local primary school for almost 15 years and I am involved in working with children at the Abbey. This has been through various children’s activities e.g., the Good Friday Activity Day (which I attended as a child!), Junior Church and more recently the Edible Nativity.
I see this new job as a great opportunity to find new ways to share my faith and encourage children and their families to want to find out more about Jesus. I am very excited and look forward to embracing the challenges this role may bring, and I can’t wait to get started! Sam
The Church of England’s ‘Faith at Home’ initiative is a national campaign that builds on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith to support the faith development and pastoral care of children and young people. Each week, they will be publishing a range of content to support families discuss faith, develop their practices and habits together following these themes. Find more information and access this resource here: Faith at Home
Suzanne and Jayne

Join us at Café Church for Family-Friendly Worship
Come and join in with our family friendly and informal café-style worship in St Andrew’s with worship, music and refreshments.
Our services normally take place on the second Sunday of the month at 0945 in the St Andrew’s Centre, with a few exceptions such as Easter, Remembrance and we don’t have a service in August!
We would love to welcome you and your family – come along to our next service and discover a fresh approach to worship!
NEW! Baby and Toddler Newsletter – Christmas Special 2020
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 1
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 2
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 3
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 4
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 5
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 6
Babies and Toddlers Newsletter – Edition 7